The Newark-Marion Railroad – March 20, 2023
Marion Town Historian Caryn Devlin will present a program on “The Newark and Marion Railway” on March 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM. The Newark and Marion Railway was first chartered in 1901 and continued...
Marion Town Historian Caryn Devlin will present a program on “The Newark and Marion Railway” on March 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM. The Newark and Marion Railway was first chartered in 1901 and continued...
On Monday, 9/19/22 at 7 PM, Ruth Williams of Henrietta will present a program at the Lodge in Ginegaw Park on 19th century funeral practices and mourning. She and her late husband, Don spent...
IF you missed this program, see below. Thirty people attended this EXCELLENT program. “Caring For Cemetery Gravestones” Program Presentation/Demonstration Dave Bloom, “The Gravestone Guy”, will be doing several presentations/demonstrations on how to properly clean...
Updated 5/18 – Approximately 35 people turned out on May 16 at the Lodge in Ginegaw Park to attend the WHS Annual Meeting program and to honor Vaughn Pembroke, recipient of the 2022 WHS...
On Monday, April 18, 2022 at the Lodge in Ginegaw Park, Doug Topping will present a program about his family’s manufacturing business in Marion, NY. Topping Ladders were made for many years and shipped...
The first program about the Hamlet of Lincoln was so popular we decided to do a Part 2. We have a number of photos related to farming in the Lincoln area so we will...
On Monday, 11/15/21 (1 PM) at the Lodge in Ginegaw Park, Mary Jo Lanphear, Brighton Town Historian, will present a program about the children of Kodak employees in England coming to live in Rochester...
Please join us for a celebration of our newest historical marker at 3634 High Street, Walworth at 1:30 PM on October 3. Following the ceremony we will return to a big tent outside of...
The WEEDS ARE DOING GREAT! BUT we don’t like them, so please come to the Walworth Historical Society on Monday, 8/16 at 9:30 AM to help us ATTACK those weeds. Many hands make light...
We had originally planned this program for March, 2020 and then COVID-19 hit us, so we postponed it a couple of times. Because so many people have expressed an interest in it and due...