Author: Gene Bavis

Marker Dedication, Open House & Walking Tour – October 3

Marker Dedication, Open House & Walking Tour – October 3

Please join us for a celebration of our newest historical marker at 3634 High Street, Walworth at 1:30 PM on October 3.  Following the ceremony we will return to a big tent outside of...

HELP – Weeding Party at WHS on 8/16 at 9:30 AM

HELP – Weeding Party at WHS on 8/16 at 9:30 AM

The WEEDS ARE DOING GREAT!  BUT we don’t like them, so please come to the Walworth Historical Society on Monday, 8/16 at 9:30 AM to help us ATTACK those weeds.  Many hands make light...

The Hamlet of Lincoln – September 20, 2021

The Hamlet of Lincoln – September 20, 2021

We had originally planned this program for March, 2020 and then COVID-19 hit us, so we postponed it a couple of times.  Because so many people have expressed an interest in it and due...

COVID 19 and US – Update on 4/4/22

COVID 19 and US – Update on 4/4/22

We are not “out of the woods” yet with this Pandemic, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel as more and more people get the vaccine.  The Walworth Historical Society...

Wayne County Memories

Wayne County Memories

This is NOT a program in the traditional sense.  Amber Linson is heading up a project to create a BOOK of Memories about Wayne County as a part of the Bicentennial Celebration of our...

Annual Meeting – May 17, 2021 at the Lodge – 7:00 PM

Annual Meeting – May 17, 2021 at the Lodge – 7:00 PM

UPDATE 5/5/21 –  At the 2/8/21 Board Meeting it was decided NOT to have the traditional meal, so the meeting will begin at 7 PM.  Current COVID rules limit attendance to 50 people.  Masks...

Program Update as of 5/5/21

Program Update as of 5/5/21

Unfortunately COVID is still with us though there is now a light at the end of the tunnel.  As vaccinations increase the number of cases should decline and of course we all will still...

The Founding of the Town of Walworth, UPDATE

The Founding of the Town of Walworth, UPDATE

We recently made a discovery.  We thought that Walworth had become a town on April 20, 1829, but as it turns out, that was the day the LAW was passed ALLOWING the creation of...

Bicentennial Program Via Zoom on 1/27/21 at 7 PM

Bicentennial Program Via Zoom on 1/27/21 at 7 PM

Huron Historian Rosa Fox and Walworth Historian Gene Bavis will present a PowerPoint Program about Wayne County and the upcoming Bicentennial via Zoom on 1/27/21 at 7 PM.  Registration is required.  Please see the...



Due to COVID-19, all programs for the remainder of 2020 sponsored by the WHS have been cancelled.  We are sad that we had to do this, but the predictions for the remainder of 2020...